Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bad Luck Larry

My poor friend. There was a time where he was always bumping into something at work. His skin is getting thin, so the slightest nick turns into a huge gash. At least once or twice a week, he would walk into the breakroom and head straight for the first aid kit.

He's getting better, though. He's up to twice a month now.

This is all true!

As the post's title emplies, all of these scenarios are TRUE stories. Each one of these were spoken by real customers that come to the bookstore. And when we would repeat these stories to other booksellers, they would not believe it. We ended up keepng a journal of all the stupid questions.

So bookstore customers, be careful what you ask for. And be careful HOW you ask for it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Manga Schmanga!!

If you know me, you know that I cannot stand the Manga section. I'm sorry if I offend any manga fans out there, but I do not get it. What I also do not get are the legions of kids that camp out in the middle of the aisle and read an entire novel. There really isn't much we can do, as long as they keep the aisles accessable for all customers.

I still don't like them.

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Everyday there is some kid screaming its head off for some strange reason. Maybe the kid wanted a particular book and is not going to get it. Maybe the kid did not want to leave the kid's department. Who knows? All I know is that after a while you learn to tune it out.

Earplugs also help out nicely.

You Want What?

This used to be my biggest fear. As a manager, I get called up to the Cafe to help out when they need it. I don't drink coffee and I have no idea what the difference is between a mocha and a latte. So when customers start spouting this coffee jargon, all there getting is a regular cup of coffee.

My best friend Kenny, who was the Cafe manager at the time, helped me out with the jargon for this strip.

Mrs. Obvious

This has actually happened at work several times. People have entered the store and fail to see the HUGE sign that says "Cafe" staring them right in the face.

It astounds me every time.